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What does 200 on the dash mean?

on the dash. refers to the dashboard of a car; an associated number indicates the total amount paid for a vehicle including any modifications made (e.g. the price of the car, rims, stereo, engine upgrade, etc.) think i wont pull up in somethin' with 200 on the dash....

How to run a 200 meter dash?

To run a 200 meter dash, explode out of your blocks the moment the starter gun goes off. Stay low for the first 10 meters as you accelerate. Then, as you near the 20 meter mark, bring your body upright as you build your speed. By 30 meters you should be running at maximum speed and breathing every 10-15 meters to avoid cramping.

What does the number on the dash?

On the dash does refer to the dashboard of a car, specifically the gauge panel. The number refers to the highest speed on the speedometer. I've got a Chevy with a 454 in the hood and it's got 125 on the dash. (Most classic muscle cars displayed a top speed of 125 on the speedometer .) Think I won’t pull up in something with 200 on the dash.

What does 125 on the dash mean?

The other definition is false. On the dash does refer to the dashboard of a car, specifically the gauge panel. The number refers to the highest speed on the speedometer. I've got a Chevy with a 454 in the hood and it's got 125 on the dash.

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